Lightning Protection

Mun Hean is one of the pioneers in providing enhanced lightning protection system consultation and system design since 1981. The IEC 62305 and respective local standards are practical guidelines when designing a conventional lightning protection system. However, there are limitations in a conventional lightning protection system; in that it has a limited reach to protect wide open spaces, and limited in its protection class. Mun Hean advocates E.S.E (Early Streamer Emissions), an enhanced direct lightning protection system. Despite the wide-acceptance of the E.S.E lightning protection concept, technical skill and experience are required to design a system that can deliver the E.S.E operational efficacy. The Mun Hean Lightning Protection team, with more than 200,000 project references in lightning protection, is arguably the most prolific lightning protection solutions provider in Asia. Mun Hean provides the complete solution in lightning protection, which entails direct lighting protection system and design; indirect lightning surge protection; and early lightning warning systems. Notable projects include; Taipei 101 building, Hong Kong Ocean Park, Nay Pyi Taw Parliament House, Golf Courses, sports stadiums, and 80 over international airports.

Mun Hean are exclusive partners with Helita, France, a foremost specialist in direct lightning protection and Hakel, a specialist in Surge Protection Devices from Europe.